Great seal of the State of Florida

Third Party Voter Registration Organizations (3PVROs)

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DISCLAIMER: The Florida Third Party Voter Registration (3PVRO) database is not intended, nor should it be used, as a source for Florida voter registration statistics. The 3PVRO database reflects the cumulative number of voter registration applications submitted by a 3PVRO to the state since the time of a 3PVRO’s registration. Please note that a voter application submitted by a political party does not necessarily translate directly into a voter registered for that party as all 3PVROs must collect and submit registrations regardless of party affiliation.

Florida Department of State
Division of Elections

Active Organizations

Note: Information posted is as submitted by the third party voter registration organization.

Any column in the table below can be sorted by clicking on the underlined heading. For example: if you click on the heading "3PVRO’s Name" all organizations will be in alphabetical order.

ID PrefixID Number3PVRO’s NameRegistration DatePhoneAddressCityZipEmail AddressMail AddressMail CityMail ZipRegistered Agent NameRegistered Agent PhoneRegistered Agent AddressRegistered Agent CityRegistered Agent ZipCountyOfficers
3P12-154HeadCount1/16/2025866-687-8683104 West 29th StreetNew York, NY10001 Email 104 West 29th Street, 11th FloorNew York, NY10001Joseph Guido727-554-21111224 Sunset Point RdClearwater33755All countiesLucille Wenegieme, Executive Director; Chris Tallent, Field Director; Tappan Vickery, Senior Director of Programming;
3P16-245The Constitution Party of Florida1/17/2025941-662-56286344 Gasparilla Pines Blvd Apt 307Englewood34224 Email 6344 Gasparilla Pines Blvd Apt 307Englewood34224Mark G Phillips941-662-56286344 Gasparilla Pines Blvd Apt 307Englewood34224All countiesMark G Phillips, Chair; William Finley, Vice Chair; Charles J Hacker, Jr., Secretary; Lewis Harper, Treasurer;
3P24-26Engage Florida Civic Fund Inc06/17/2024802-522-426610800 Biscayne Blvd, Ste 570Miami33161 Email    Rebecca Pelham802-552-426610800 Biscayne Blvd, Ste 570Miami33161All countiesRebecca Pelham, Executive Director